Lifelong Learning!

At Food to Power, we see learning as something we all get to do together, at any age. We see ourselves as hosts, and invite our friends to come share and learn from each other through workshops, Community Corner experiences, and more. 

Learning with Friends


We’re excited to now have our own space to host community workshops both on the land and in the kitchen. At our new Hillside Hub location and in we are working with partners and putting on our own programs including:

  • Workshops— Along with partners we offer monthly workshops on topics ranging from gardening to cooking and more!

  • Community Corner— Twice a month on Saturdays, check out the learning table at our grocery program for taste tests and the change to get an appliance.

  • Food to Power hosts youth from other neighborhood programs for gardening activities in our raised beds. 

  • Our education department convenes a Community of Practice so that peer organizations can share skills and resources and learn from each other.


Food to Power hosts and facilitates community workshops at the Hillside Hub and in partnership with other organizations. We love teaching these ourselves, and what we love even more is supporting our friends and neighbors to share their skills, knowledge, and wisdom. 

To check out our upcoming workshops, visit our events calendar!

If you have an idea about something you want to learn, a skill you want to teach, or a conversation you want to host, let us know! We would love to help you make it happen. Reach out through our contact page!

Learning in Everything

Learning is part of everything we do at Food to Power. In addition to the programs listed above, we try to make sure there’s a little bit of learning in everything we do. 

Other Resources

We’re always learning too! Follow us on Facebook and to see what we’re reading, watching, and listening to, and share your ideas and perspective. We love to post updates as we continue to learn about food, justice, cooking, growing, and more. But in the meantime, check out the list below for some inspiration.

Here’s what we’re…