
Neighborhoods without outlets for fresh, healthy food that also get skipped over by traditional hunger assistance programs leave residents especially vulnerable to food insecurity.

That’s why we partner with community leaders in areas hardest hit by our broken food system to co-create people-centered solutions.

Go to a weekly program at one of the sites listed below, and you’ll find a group of community members supporting each other through the dignified distribution of good quality groceries at no cost. These programs include other opportunities — like recipe sharing, classes and events — as decided and organized by each community.

No documentation or verification needed; everyone welcome.



Visit our No Cost Grocery every week:

Hillside Hub
1090 S Institute St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Tuesdays 12:00PM-2:00PM

No Cost Grocery will NOT be held on Saturdays for the foreseeable future. This page will be updated if/when the Saturday program resumes.

Want to help keep No Cost Grocery running on Saturdays? Signup to volunteer:

Find a No Cost Grocery Program near you!

Food Distribution Partner Sites:

Solid Rock At Mission Trace

3219 S. Academy Boulevard Colorado Springs, CO 80916

Tuesday 2:00PM-6:00PM & Drive up every 2nd Friday 4:00PM-6:00PM

Westside Community Center
Wednesdays 1:00PM-3:00PM

Meadows Park Community Center

Greccio Housing - Plaza on Platte location
Residents only

Highland Mobile Home Park's "¡Amor a la Comunidad!" Program
Residents only

Sleepy Valley Mobile Home Park
Residents only

Voces Unidas * Info Coming soon

Don’t see a location/date that works for you? Checkout this database for other food pantries in the area and this page for other resources related to food, housing, utilities, home repair, emergency shelter, clothing, transportation, military assistance, taxes, mental health, senior issues, substance abuse, medical care and more!

Do you have food you’d like to donate to a No Cost Grocery Program? Reach out to about donating food.