Leaf ‘em or take ‘em? That’s definitely the question on homeowners’ minds this time of year as leaves fall off the trees! The real answer is there is no one right answer - each individual’s circumstances will lead to different decisions, and both leaving leaves in place and bagging them have their benefits. We definitely don’t recommend bagging and taking the leaves to the landfill, where they only contribute to harmful carbon emissions. However, we’re offering options for your bagged leaves to contribute to our compost operations instead, so you’ll be set however you want to handle your leaves.

Our compost engagement manager, Ruthie Markwardt, has put together several benefits to consider!

Some benefits of leaving leaves in place

  • Generally, it's natural mulching and habitat. Mulching has a variety of benefits such as protecting surface soil, preventing erosion, and moderating temperatures. 

  • You can cover your garden with leaves instead of buying straw. If people go this route we recommend putting wood mulch or something heavier to ensure they don't blow away

  • Leaving leaves under the trees they fell from can help to fertilize those trees and enrich the microorganisms in your soil.

Some reasons to bag 'em and bring 'em to us

  • In a windy place like Colorado, major wind events can blow lots of leaves into our storm drains at once causing potential flooding and pollution hazards. This is why it's never a good idea to blow or rake leaves off your yard and into loose piles in the streets.

  • Some yard setups in Colorado have more stones than plants, and some housing associations require leaves to be removed from yards.

  • Leaves build and protect soil! We use leaves as essential "browns" or carbonous ingredients in composting as well as mulching our garden beds with them here at Food to Power.

If you decide you’d rather bag your leaves this year, we’re hosting a leaf drop-off day at the Hillside Hub this Saturday, December 10th, starting at 12:00 PM! For more information on our options to handle your leaves, visit https://foodtopowerco.org/leaves
